About AFCM

In 1978, Jim and his wife, Kathleen, founded the Association of Faith Churches and Ministers International (AFCM) to promote fellowship among the ministers who shared their vision of taking the “Word of Faith” message to the world.

AFCM has developed over the years into a worldwide movement of churches, pastors, itinerant ministers, and missionaries, dedicated to bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations in the power of the Holy Spirit. Literally, hundreds of churches have been established, millions of books printed and distributed, and tons of humanitarian aid distributed by AFCM members to countries in need.

With the aim of impacting the world with the gospel, AFCM International Training Center was founded in the fall of 1998. Since that time, more than 600 Bible schools have been established around the world.

In addition to his responsibilities for both AFCM and Jim Kaseman Ministries, Jim ministers throughout the year in churches, conventions, and Bible schools. He has traveled to more than 30 countries obeying God’s call to go to the nations. Having seen in his own life the transforming power of the Word of God, he is committed to the presentation of the Gospel in simplicity, with power, love, and joy.

Jim and his wife, Kathleen, were married almost 58 years before she went home to heaven. Jim’s desire is to fulfill the call of God on his life and hear Him say, “Well done – you’ve done everything I’ve asked you to do.”

Dom & Afcm

Disciples of Mercy is also a member of The Association of Faith Churches and Ministers (AFCM). Founder Dr.Jim Kaseman-USA whose goal is to reach the Nations with the Word of Faith by primarily linking hands with others of like faith to help fulfill the great commission through their individual mandates by God, both personally and corporately. In 2005, Rev, Jennie was appointed the African Director and now spends more time co-coordinating programes throughout the African nations to bring unity and fruitfulness in the body of Christ.
